Unexpected Grace
I experienced Grace recently. Like you, I experience grace daily. However, this instance was a bit unexpected.
My bride and I went to the pharmacy to pick up her prescription. We had met our insurance deductible for the year and the cost of the medication was unusually low. It was only $0.24. The bad news is that I didn’t have enough money to cover that tiny cost.
I had no cash in my wallet and no change in the cubbyhole where I normally toss spare coins. We were on the way home from dinner and my wife did not have her big purse with everything in it. I was not going to use a credit card for a charge that small.
I apologized, explained our situation, and began to drive away. The pharmacy technician then pulled a quarter out of her own purse and paid for it herself. I was shocked and pleasantly surprised.
Upon arriving home, I found a quarter and placed it with my things to take to the nice lady at the pharmacy.
It took over a month of stopping by to find her at work.
Now here’s the thing: I had a bad attitude about that woman before that day. She is a bit too sassy and sarcastic for my tastes. That day she heaped burning coals upon my head.
Last night I returned to the pharmacy, and she was working. I was able to pay her back against her protestations. We had a pleasant conversation. Later, I ran into her again on one of the aisles of the grocery store. Again, we engaged in pleasant small talk. She was on the way home after a long day on her feet.
Her name is Nancy. Nancy means grace. I will never think of her the same way again. She demonstrated grace in my moment of need. She treated me kindly when she could have treated me with contempt.
When is the last time you received a measure of unexpected grace?
When is the most recent time you extended grace to someone?
Whose life can you grace today?
Thank you, Nancy, for gracing me and reminding me to do the same for others.