Turn Sleeplessness into Productiveness
Esther 6:1, 2 That night the king could not sleep; so he ordered the book of the chronicles, the record of his reign, to be brought in and read to him. It was found recorded there that Mordecai had exposed Bigthana and Teresh, two of the king’s officers who guarded the doorway, who had conspired to assassinate King Xerxes.
Esther 6:1–2 NIV
“If you want to put people to sleep, read to them.” — Dr. Frank Barchard, History Professor
King Xerxes knew how to get to sleep when you can’t get to sleep. Have someone read to you. My Pre-Theology Advisor at East Texas State University, now known as Texas A&M University — Commerce, gave the advice located above in a discussion about sermons. Preachers who read their sermons find themselves talking in someone else’s sleep.
Xerxes knew the cure for insomnia just like every good parent knows how to get a child to sleep. The problem is, he had someone read to him about him. He couldn’t miss that. Apparently, the readers read all night. The king liked what he heard about himself.
Sleeplessness Can be Productive
What he heard that night led to justice, salvation, protection, and promotion.
Sometimes sleeplessness is not a problem. Sleeplessness can lead to productive discovery and planning. When you find yourself forty winks short, grab a Kindle or an old-fashioned paper book and read. An iPad will not serve you well in this instance. The light in your eyes will signal your brain it is time to be awake. This is counterproductive.
Audible books work also. Use earbuds so that you do not disturb anyone else. Set the Audible app to turn off after thirty minutes or so. Adjust the speed of the reader’s voice to something less than 1x. Slower speech makes us tireder faster.
Turn Sleeplessness into Prayerfulness
Prayer is a good practice when your mind simply will not stop. Since God is up all night anyway, talk to him. Tell him all about your fears, your worries, your problems, and your dreams. Get good at listening. Ask him, “What do you want to say to me that I have been too busy to hear?”
Strategically placed bouts of sleeplessness can change lives, can shape nations, can bless the whole world. Prepare well for your next nocturnal adventure with God.
I will turn sleeplessness into prayerfulness.
Our Father, thank you for daily rest that prepares us for productive and effective days. Thank you also for strategically placed sleeplessness where we get to hear you more clearly. Speak to us in our insomnia. Lead us into fully alert activity that empowers justice, salvation, protection, and promotion. Amen.