Morning People Give Themselves Advantages
Mark 1:35 Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.
Mark 1:35 NIV
Morning people give themselves advantages over those who linger longer in slumber. They can think without interruption. They can more clearly hear the voice of God. They can pray without distraction. They can move into their days with focus.
In my younger years, when I preferred soft pillows and warm blankets to dark roast coffee and quiet contemplation, I thought morning people were those obnoxious souls who awaken singing happy songs with cartoon birds twittering around them as they happily make their beds and irritate the rest of us.
Solitude and Silence
Having cultivated the Jesus habit of getting up “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark,” I have learned the best two things about early mornings are solitude and silence. There are many fewer telephone calls before breakfast than the rest of the day. Not nearly as many people require assistance. Distractions are minimized.
It is good for a soul to have nothing to say. It is good for a heart to beat to the rhythm of God’s grace. It is good to listen deeply and to hear and obey God’s positive alternative to the irritability of politicians and pundits.
Whenever you arise, it is good to begin the Jesus way in solitude and silence so that you can really hear and peacefully pray.
I will arise and go to Jesus.
Our Father, thank you for early mornings. Thank you for solitude and silence. Thank you for words of truth and life. Thank you for a good start to another day. Amen.